The Reason Why Vol. 1 Goran Kajfeš

May 19, 2013


Slowly but surely, the Swedish trumpeter who announced his arrival so brilliantly with the unfairly overlooked Home in 2000, continues to build a discography of quality and consistency. To a large extent, the artistic core of his group is encapsulated in the word Arkestra, and ti this honest Sun Ra reference one might add the names of ´70s jazz-rock and Euro classical fusion - Ekseption, Focus and Soft Machine whose The Nodder is reprised by a band that features swish, purring, analouge keys, snappy drums and bass and stealthy, trippy horns. There is also a Balkan, quite gypsy-like resonance on some of the pieces and it is to Kajfes´credit that he has made these disparate influences cohere rather than clash in his own distinctive compositions.